Aerial view of 1 Elizabeth

1 Elizabeth


1 Elizabeth is proud to have its landscaping be largely comprised of native plants, featuring 48 different species throughout the building.

The importance of maintaining a connection to Country is a key design principle
that has informed 1 Elizabeth's landscaping strategy, and selection of the plants was finalised through collaboration and consultation with landscapers including Aspect Studios and Yerrabingin. 

What was initially an aspiration became reality through investigative trials and testing, considered species selection and active maintenance. To learn more about how
1 Elizabeth is integrating and acknowledging Country, First Nations history and local heritage, read about 1 Elizabeth's heritage & history, public art and Warrane Exhibition.

The building

Built for today, constructed for the future, the sustainability of 1 Elizabeth has been actively considered and embedded into the building's design.

An industry-leading building within a landmark CBD precinct.

Macquarie Group has been responsible for the delivery of Sydney’s new Metro Martin Place integrated station precinct. This development has involved the creation of the new Martin Place metro station, advanced underground pedestrian connections, contemporary retail spaces, improvements to the public domain as well as two new commercial buildings above the station – 39 Martin Place and 1 Elizabeth.

1 Elizabeth is now the new home and global headquarters of Macquarie Group, recreating the company’s structure to have all its Sydney employees under the same roof and campus for the first time in over 20 years.

Native landscaping

Powered by 100% renewable energy

Premium air filtration

Premium UV filtration

6 Star Green Star Design Review Rating


Energy Rating 

1 Elizabeth has committed to achieving a 5.5 NABERS Base Building Energy Rating.